Friday, August 19, 2022

Bonnie's Spankologue: Part Twenty

Way back in 2006, I posted nineteen installments of a feature called Bonnie's Spankologue. Each post included a brief summary of three excellent spanking blogs. The purpose was to introduce readers to other worthy blogs and create new connections within our community. It worked pretty well until one particularly sensitive blogger took offense to my description of their blog and loudly protested. I ended the series because managing disputes was never the purpose.

So here we are in 2022 and I'm (always) looking for new content ideas. There are many more blogs to discover today, so maybe it's time to give the Spankologue another chance. Who knows? It might catch on.

Butt Stuff - Jean Marie tells us that her blog is about all things related to the female derriere, especially adult spanking. She is nakedly honest. In fact, she enjoys doing a lot of things naked. She describes herself as a trailblazer with a blazing tail-end. Jean Marie is a prolific blogger who never seems to lack for material. And best of all, Jean Marie is a true spanking enthusiast.

Dave Wolfe who does WolfieToons! - Wolfie is our spanko community's artist laureate. His delightful and clever cartoons have generated smiles and laughs for the past dozen years. His themes are playful, consensual adult spankings presented in a fun way. Let those stars fly!

Spanking Blog - Someone has to be first and in the world of adult spanking blogs, Dan is that somebody. For almost twenty years, he has covered our kink like no one else. He inspired many of the bloggers who followed and continues to do so even today. The Spanking Blog often presents unique perspectives and resources, all related to our favorite subject.


Jean Marie said...

I was smirking at the thought of some "particularly sensitive blogger taking offense" long ago and then I saw that you are now featuring me! Thank you, and I think you summarized my blog perfectly! I look forward to seeing some other blogs that I might not know in the future. But for now, thanks again for this promotion!
Jean Marie

Roz said...

This is a feature of your blog I don't remember Bonnie. What a great idea!


Bonnie said...

Jean Marie - Welcome to the Spankologue! If this feature takes off, there are lot more blogs to spotlight.

Roz - This post is the first time since 2006 that I have used this concept. We'll see what happens.

Hermione said...

I remember reading those spankalogue posts long after the feature had been discontinued, and never knew what the fuss was about. I'm delighted you have resurrected the feature with a mixture of old and new.


Anonymous said...

Hermione - If I told you the name, I think you would remember. My aim is to mix new and old, traditional and modern, prose and graphics, to provide a tour of our beautiful, diverse community.

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